Our Towns – Coast 2 Coast


We absolutely live in very different places.  My town is small, but we live close to Atlantic City and Philadelphia.  This gives us access to many restaurants, shops and sports or concert venues.  However, the town that I live in has a small village called Smithville Village, which is only a few miles from my home.   There is a bike and walking path from my home leading directly to the Village.  The Village has restaurants, shoppes and many fairs are held here during the year.  Just a few weeks ago the Oktoberfest was held there which hosted many food vendors and crafters.   My photo depicts a small scene of the Village.   Have great weekend everyone.
Until next time . . .   Deb

We each live in such different areas. My town is so small … I really just get my mail there and everything else is done in the next town which is 16 miles away.  It is definitely a country town.  But I’m very glad the next town is just 16 miles away.  Creston is a pretty quaint and quiet little spot. The post office is probably a 400 sq ft building with just one small hallway of mail boxes. Our little store is like a mountain store … I only buy special treats there and an occasional necessity. We’ve actually got a nice restaurant and wedding venue.

Enjoy your day!
